Month: June 2013

Having an early nest syndrome

So this is how it feels to have both of my children gone to school while I’m left all alone in the house… I have to admit that there were times when I looked forward to this day, but dreaded it at the same time. I looked forward to it because I thought having both of my children gone to school at the same time would finally allow me more time to build my business as well as the luxury of me time–obviously, the latter is something that happens very rarely and what I am craving for the most! On the other hand, I have dreaded this day as I have gotten so used to having my children with me all the time, especially during the summer vacation. We eat together and sleep together. They also attend business meetings and training with me that they’ve come to treat some of my business colleagues as their adult friends. No, I don’t think I’ll ever be complete without my girls by my side. Now that my Big Baby A …

Warming up (again)

I’m not so sure what I want to write (about). Frankly. For a while there, I started doubting myself, that is, if I could still really write… I just realized that it’s been MONTHS since I had actually sat down in front of my computer and started typing away, like what I am actually doing now. I always seem to find chores to do, things that must be dealt with first, before I ever sit down and write. I keep receiving updates from my subscriptions to various writing groups, urging me to write, write, write. (I also get writing job offers!) And now I think I should have followed their advice long ago, especially that ideas on what to write about keep popping in my mind almost everyday. This is my therapy. Writing. How could I have simply put it in the back seat? I feel like I am actually going nowhere without this secret hobby that I so love to do all the time, next to reading, but had started to ditch. Yes, I think …